Notable Alpha Beta Sigma Memebers
The Alpha Beta Sigma Chapter has a rich history of community and organizational leaders
with 3 International Presidents, and 6 DSC members apart of our chapter ranks.
Bro. Victor Glover - Alpha Beta Sigma Chapter
Victor Jerome Glover is a NASA astronaut of the class of 2013 and Pilot on the first operational flight of the SpaceX Crew Dragon to the International Space Station. Glover is a commander in the U.S. Navy where he pilots an F/A-18, and is a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School.
Bro. Paul L. Griffin - Alpha Beta Sigma Chapter
A pioneer in K-12 education since 2000. Amplify is leading the way in next-generation curriculum and formative assessment. Our captivating core and supplemental programs in ELA, math, and science engage all students in rigorous learning and inspire them to think deeply, creatively and for themselves. Our formative assessment and intervention products turn data into practical instructional support to help students at every skill level build a strong foundation in early reading and math.
International Presidents
Honorable Bro. Alvin J. McNeil
19th International President
Honorable Bro. John E. Westbury
21st International President
Honorable Bro. Paul L. Griffin
32nd International President
2005 - 2009
ABS Distinguish Service Chapter Brothers